Scripting Command List

. - For user variables and 'save': Makes the script read multiple words as one variable when used instead of a space.

" - For user variables and 'save': Makes the script read multiple words as one variable when they are placed inside quotes.

# - Anything after this symbol will not be scanned by the script.

%# - %1-%9 Used to recall user variables. %0 Recalls all user variables 1-9 at once.

%c - Used to recall what the counter is currently set to.

%s - Used to recall the variable set using the 'save' command.

[label]: - A label to be routed to by match and goto commands.

addtohighlightstrings "[text]" [options] - Adds [text] to your highlight strings with these [options]. [text] must be inside quotes. Refer to Official Site for complete [options] because I don't care about this command since it doesn't do anything in a scripting sense.

addtohighlightnames "[text]" [options] - Adds [text] to your highlight names with these [options]. [text] must be inside quotes. Refer to Official Site for complete [options] because I don't care about this command since it doesn't do anything in a scripting sense.

counter add # - Adds # to %c to be recalled later.

counter set # - Sets %c as # to be recalled later.

counter subtract # - Subtracts # from %c to be recalled later.

echo [text] - [text] appears in game. This text does not effect game play, or show in logs.

exit - Used to abort a script.

goto [label] - Routes the script to the designated [label].

IF_# [command] - IF_1-IF_9 executes [command] if that many (#) user variables were inputted.

labelerror: - If a label the script is trying to route to doesn't exist the script routes to this label. If this label doesn't exist, the script aborts.

match [label] [text] - If [text] appears in game, script routes to [label]. Must be used with 'matchwait'.

matchwait - Stops a script from continuing until a 'match' is met.

move [text] - [text] is the direction to go, script pauses until a room description appears.

nextroom - Script pauses until a room description appears.

pause # - Script pauses for # seconds. Don't include # for a 1 second pause.

put [text] - [text] is entered into game as if typed into the command line on the Wizard.

save [text] - Saves [text] as %s to be recalled later. Must use quotes for multiple words.

shift # - Shifts user variables by #. Don't use # for a shift of 1.

wait - Script pauses until a new line appears in game.

waitfor [text] - Script pauses until [text] appears in game.

_ - For user variables and 'save': Makes the script read multiple words as one variable when used instead of a space.

%{name} - Used to recall variables created with the 'setvariable' command.

counter divide # - Divides the current value of %c by #, to be recalled later.

counter multiply # - Multiplies the current value of %c by #, to be recalled later.

deletefromhighlightstrings "[text]" - Deletes [text] from your highlight strings. [text] must be inside quotes.

deletefromhighlightnames "[text]" - Deletes [text] from your highlight names. [text] must be inside quotes.

deletevariable [name] - Deletes the variable %[name] removing it completely from your settings.

matchre [label] /[text]/i - If /[text]/ appears in game, script routes to [label]. Must be used with 'matchwait'. This command is used by placing Regular Expressions as [text]. [text] to be matched must be inside the //. The 'i' that follows is to make the command case insensitive.

setvariable [name] [text] - This will create a variable which can be recalled as %[name]. This variable is saved in your StormFront settings and remains constant until changed allowing you to use the %[name] variable saved in one script for multiple scripts without having to reset it. Your currently saved variables can be accessed/edited through the variables menu in StormFront.

waitforre /[text]/i - Script pauses until /[text]/ appears in game. This command is used by placing Regular Expressions as [text]. [text] to be matched must be inside the //. The 'i' that follows is to make the command case insensitive.